Firewatch Guards in San Jose
Firewatch Guards in San Jose and Santa Clara
Griffin Protective Services is a premier security company and provides fire watch guards in San Jose and Santa Clara. Additionally, we provide modern 24-hour Fire Watch Services to clients who want to prevent fines and having their business shut down by the fire marshal. Furthermore, we offer A 24-hour fire watch service for many businesses and school campuses as well as hotels, co
mmercial buildings, and construction sites. Most businesses hire our efficient fire watch services in San Jose to avoid fines or having their operations shut down by the fire marshal. Many companies experiencing problems with their current fire alarm system can benefit from the services of our fire watch guards. They are train on fire emergency protocols. The key to a successful program is to observe, report and respond accordingly to their training.
Approved for Fire Watch in Santa Clara and Alameda Counties
Firewatch guards in San Jose will conduct a tour of your premises if necessary, setting up the patrol area as well as the property that needs our care. Following best practices and state laws, we also provide clients with full documentation of all the areas patrolled. Furthermore , our fire staff will remain on site until safety is confirmed. Our team ensures sprinklers and fire detection systems have been inspected, authorized by the fire marshal, and are fully operational.
The fire watch guard will perform these duties:
- The guards will scan the location for potential fire threats to ensure early detection of a blaze before it spreads.
- As the guards make their rounds, they will record information that could be helpful in the organization’s fire prevention efforts.
- If a fire occurs, the guard will ensure proper notification of emergency personnel.
- Firewatch staff will assist people in safely exiting the building or site.
- Log sheets of rounds are available for the fire marshal upon request.
Long-Term and Short-Term Fire Watch Services
Fire hazards are a cost of living in our state, but you can keep yourself and the people you care about protected with our short-term and long-term fire watch services. We’ll provide your property with 24/7 monitoring and the most trusted security professionals for as long as you need and whenever you need it. Contact us today to keep your property safe from fires.