Apartment / HOA
Apartment / HOA Security
While providing apartment Security and Patrol , apartment owners and HOA neighborhoods have a responsibility to their residents to provide a safe environment. We help to free of the stress and worry of criminal activity and violence. Additionally, Griffin Protection Services can offer your residents in San Jose, Santa Clara, and surrounding cities the best protection services for HOA and apartment security.
Furthermore, by forming and maintaining connections with your residents, we gain their trust and become part of the community. Our lines of communication are always open. This allows us to understand the needs of your residents to make them feel safe and secure inside and outside their homes.
Griffin Protection Services a Santa Clara Security company has operated since 2005 while providing outstanding service. Therefore, our proven reputation and experience is second to none by many clients. Griffin offers a full range of Apartment security to include vehicle patrol, foot patrol, golf cart patrol and security consulting.
The vehicles are equipped with amber lights and are clearly visible in day and night hours. At Griffin Protection Services, we always provide variety of security guards and officers for shopping malls, employing only those with skills and expertise. Our apartment security guards are efficient in handling the charge entrance points. We also offer after hours patrol, inventory protection and crowd management. Each officer undergoes an extensive screening and training process before assigning a to an apartment complex. We proudly will serve hundreds of clients, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. Griffin Protection Services employs those who reside in the area where the apartments are located.
Griffin Protection Services 
Our Apartment / HOA Security Services
Your residents deserve watchful guardians keeping them safe throughout the day. We believe the people who inhabit your complex should never feel afraid walking to and from their vehicle at night or worry about outside intruders breaking in. A high-tech, trustworthy security team is the best option for maintaining safety as your residents live their lives. Our services curb crime rates and prevent crime from happening in the first place. Here’s what your residents will receive with our guards on your apartment premises:

Keeping Residents Safe Day and Night
Your residents deserve better. Our security services ensure they feel safe throughout their tenancy and stop crime from taking place on your grounds. Our cutting-edge surveillance technology, 24/7 vehicle patrols, and visible presence keep criminals away and draw potential renters to your apartment complex. Our friendly team is here to make residents feel at ease and live peaceful lives. Contact us today to make your apartment communities safer.